Category Archives: Music

last minute holiday gift idea?

are you the ultimate procrastinator? do you not own a calendar? does it thrill you to wait as long as you can to buy gifts online just to challenge those who say they can ship to you before christmas day? well, if you haven’t noticed, there are precisely 5 business days between now and christmas. if you are jewish, like my brethren of lady danville, then oy vey. but no need to look so ferklempt.

for some last minute gift ideas check out lady danville’s official online merchandise store where you will find t-shirts made by wood-elves, cds copied by mermaids, posters printed by june bugs, and much much more.

but seriously, we’re very proud to launch our online store so have a gander and let us know what you think. and we’re always looking for new merch ideas so if you have any, please leave a comment. we’re thinking lady danville garden tools. or possibly lady danville kitchenware. who wouldn’t want a good spoon!? wow, i didn’t even mean for that to happen. but it’s happening! lady danville spoons coming right up. =)

good night from dan.

p.s. lady danville merchandise pictures are brought to you by our beautiful friend laura. special thanks also to scott, lee, nin, al my pal and ting.


Now Playing: Spoon, by lady danville

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advil personified

i used to get a lot of headaches when i was a kid. at the age of 8, as the other kids played outside, i’d be confined inside with a pillow wrapped around my head and a lump in my throat from the aspirin that i could not swallow. and while the other kids perfected their strategies in capture the flag, i was left with a bitter taste in my mouth… probably from the advil losing its sugar-coated goodness while loitering in the back of my throat.  after years of the same pounding on my temples, in an attempt to distract myself from the pain, i began crafting a plot line that shed light on the battle ensuing in my head. a plot line worthy of at least an oscar nod. and it was then, at the double-digit age of ten, when i decided that i’d one day author a children’s illustrated book that explains what happens when you have a headache. while the book remains unwritten today, it is still an ambition that i hope one day to check off of my “things you’ve wanted to do since you were ten” list. two things  remain on the aforementioned list that i’ve yet to do. write this book and kiss sally stevens. sigh.

while i will not divulge the complete contents of this future scholastic novel, i will however provide a brief synopsis. it is as follows.

setting: inside my 8 year-old head. this picture may or may not be me.

the protaganists: this is advil personified.

the antagonists: whatever causes headaches. as a kid, i never did put a face to the pain that transpired in my head. so for this section, i just googled “i hate headaches” and got this image.

the dramatic ending: let’s just say it involves multiple escape pods meant as a metaphor for going number 2. these escape pods are used by the antagonists during their retreat and ultimate defeat. needless to say, i’d always find my way to the bathroom in the waning hours of my headache…

and thus ends my soon to be written and published  chiildren’s book titled, “advil personified: what happens when you have a headache.” pre-order your copy today.

so how does it all relate? why tease you with my eventual nyt best-seller? well, at the end of this blog, i’ve attached a song that lady danville has been working on. i began writing it at a time when my girlfriend was in bed with a nasty headache which left me feeling helpless as i tried attempt after attempt to alleviate her pain.  my desire to rid her of the pain was so great that i would have worn it myself, given the chance.  but in the end, all i could do was just be there for her. nothing else. to just be there was comfort enough. and that is what this song is about. just being there for the person you love when there’s nothing else you can do.

moral of the story. headaches suck.


p.s. this track is a complete experiment. i decided to introduce myself to mr. garageband the other night and this is what happened.

“Monet” by lady danville

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